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Good Life Energy Healing uses the Emotion Code and Body Code systems, developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, author of the ‘The Emotion Code’.

These techniques do not replace medical treatment, but by clearing any underlying energy imbalances, we help the body’s innate self-healing ability to take over. As a result, pain and malfunction in the body often disappear, all the organs function as they should, nutrients are absorbed properly, energy levels are raised, and emotional issues become manageable or nonexistent. However, if you have a medical condition, you still need to consult your healthcare practitioner.

It is up to you to decide on what area to target, it can be anything. If you have physical pain or other concerns like digestive issues, immune system function, skin disorders, we can target those issues. If you have other ailments, we can target those. You may not want to tell me what is bothering you. Whatever it is will still be surfaced and cleared by your subconscious.

I use The Emotion Code and The Body Code to target the underlying energy imbalances in your body, mind and spirit that may be causing any number of health issues.

Our services include:

  • The Emotion Code and The Body Code sessions
  • Heart Wall Removal
  • Spiritual Disconnections of the Body, Mind and Spirit
  • Chakra Balancing - Energy Balancing and Clearing
  • Animal/pet and equine healing - by the Emotion Code or Body Code
  • Energy healing for children with behavioural issues
  • Identify the cause of your emotional distress or physical discomfort
  • Identify energies interfering with maintaining healthy relationships, finding new relationships, or leaving relationships
  • Helps address one's past, traumatic events such as sexual assault, near death traumas, childhood abuse and the like. These events may manifest as inability to sleep, bad dreams and perpetuating similar behaviour in how you raise your own children
    • Assists with identifying emotional blockages that keep you from enjoying a happy, fulfilling life

  • Helps in removing blockages to financial abundances while maintaining healthy, happy and rewarding relationships
  • Removing the causes of food cravings, or seasonal allergies
  • Removing blocks to weight loss or gain
  • James Inverarity

    I have lived in six communities in BC and am fortunate to call the North Okanagan my home. I have been married to Elaine for 44 years and have a large diverse extended family. I extend an invitation to you to live a good life and rid yourself of undesirable energies that keep you stuck in places that do not support your health and happiness. The results will be evident in your life. I offer an unintimidating, non-judgemental, hands-off experience.

    Energy Work - by distance, phone, Skype, FaceTime, Zoom, or email. Fast, convenient and confidential.

    Good Life Energy Healing
    Located in British Columbia, Canada with Worldwide Service

    Skype: james.inverarity1

    Hours of Operation

    Hours of Operation: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

    Closed Sunday


    This information is not intended as medical advice and should not be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. Information given to you by James Inverarity is not intended to create any physician-patient relationship, nor should it be considered a replacement for consultation with a health care professional. If you have questions or concerns about your health, please contact your health care provider. Energy Healing promotes harmony and balance within, relieving stress and supporting the body’s natural ability to heal. Energy healing is widely recognized as a valuable and effective complement to conventional medical care.

    I make no claims as to healing or recovery from any illness. This information does not replace any medical treatment or diagnose a condition. No guarantee is made towards validity. Use this information at your own risk.


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